
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Beautiful Day On The Farm

What a difference 24 hours makes. Monday night we had frigid cold weather. Last night the temperature struggled to find the freezing mark. Today the sky was crystal blue and the sun warmed the air. We still have water standing in some of the low spots around the farm. Just about all the mud holes are dried up now. Today was just a gorgeous day.

Today, I finished the fence project, got the security gate in place to prevent escapes, played Dr. Dad to G'mee (a.k.a. Carol) and played with Cody and Qianna. I decided to work on the gate first. I've built many gates in my wage slave days. This time I got super smart and bought a gate kit. This cool kit has all the pieces necessary for building a gate that stays square and does not droop. Half of the last 8 foot section of fencing provides the slats and rails needed to build the gate. After the framing is done, I have to reattach the slats.

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Now that looks like a gate. Last step is to attach the other half of the 8 foot fence section. Each section is stepped down because the ground has a pretty serious slope about 10 feet from the dog center.

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In time the wood will turn to a gray color and look more uniform than it does now. The fence hides the stuff behind it. Unfortunately I do not have a good before photo for comparing. I got all my tools loaded back in the truck and also loaded some 1x4 sidewalk forms that were on the ground in that area. These forms will be stored behind a building where other wood is stored. Even though the bed of the truck is full, there is always room for the feline critters that roam this place.

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Dr. Dad had to take a break in the middle of the fence project to tend to a battle injury G'Mee encountered. Safe Harbor Farm has spay and neuter clinic for the community each Wednesday. Today, Carol assisted with the animal prep and observed the procedures. She was holding a dog during prep, and the dog was not cooperating. I can understand why. The dog ended up scratching Carol's left forearm. That is where I came into the scene as Carol asked me to help patch her back up. She will be OK but her arm will be tender for a few days.

Tomorrow, I get to help her bathe some of the dogs that will be going to Jacksonville on Sunday for the Adopt-A-Thon. Carol will also be grooming them. I have a water heater project that is on my todo list but that will wait until after the dogs are bathed and groomed. We took Cody and Qianna to the dog run this afternoon. They like the freedom to run and play there. Here is a view of Lynne's cabin across the pond from the dog run.

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Then as were headed back to our home, I thought I would snap this photo of the Kindness Clinic. The building was donated to SHF a couple of years ago. In its for life, it was a Catholic Church. Downstairs is a complete vet clinic. Upstairs is a small apartment. You can just make out our flags beyond the fence in the photo on the left.

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We had a quiet dinner at home just as the sun was setting. After Carol got the kitchen cleaned up, I went out the get a bucket of ice from our ice maker. The clear night sky was lit by a full moon. God done good with that. I leave you with our full moon.

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Thanks for stopping by.

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