
Monday, March 26, 2012

Tax Time

Well, I think you know where this is headed. I promise to not bore you with my taxes. I just needed a title for the blog and today I worked on my taxes.

Last night, we had some significant rain. I do not know how much we got but I do know it was pretty wet when I got up at 6AM and it was raining hard enough that the doggies would not even think about going out. That means the ground around the deck project and cabin was pretty muddy today. I did take a short walk down there to check things out and decided it was way too muddy to do anything. Wait a minute! Today is Monday. That means it is our day off. I can just goof off and be happy. So that is what I did. 

Carol decided today would be a good day to groom Qianna. She needed it badly since it has been 4 week since the least grooming. We find it odd the the dog grooming table is in the Cat Center. That is really not an issue because the dog grooming table is in the same area where the cat food is stored not where the cats hang out.

The grooming process has Carol brushing and clipping before bathing, then after bath and drying there is more brushing and scissor trimming. Clipping in the Cat Center and bathing is in the Kindness Clinic. That is where the large tub is. So that is where Carol went next. I help with that process. If you remember from my previous dog bathing experience, I got more water on the floor than on the dogs. This time, I did not get as wet and I kept most of the water in the tub. I left Carol so she could do the blow drying. Last step was scissor clipping and more brushing. Carol got that done and Qianna was transformed from a poodle needing grooming to a sharp looking poodle.

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There she is in all her radiant beauty.
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While all grooming was taking place, I decide to tackle IRS. This was going to take a while. I cannot recall ever having so many 1099's and other tax stuff. Let's hope TurboTax can get it done for me. The first run sent me into shock. I just cold not believe I owed as much as TurboTax was telling me. Something had to be wrong. While checking the income entries, I discovered I had entered the same income twice. OK that was easy to fix. Finally got it all done. Bottom line is I owe but I owe less than I expected. That made me feel good. I think I will have a tax reviewer checked it anyway because I may have overlooked something that could save me some $$$.

Since Carol was in a grooming spirit, she asked me if I wanted a haircut. I needed one so I said sure. Where else can a guy go to get a haircut and have a cold beer at the same time. She done good and the Blue Moon was also good.
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We've been planning our trip to Blue Ridge, Georgia. We leave here on Friday and arrive in GA on Monday. I posted a link to our tentative route on FaceBook and I got a comment from my former boss who said, "When you go through Asheville, NC, you will be 1 hour from where we live!" So, Carol and I discussed our plans and decide to make a small detour to visit my former boss. Becky took a risk when she hired me in 1995 and has since remained a special friend. We look forward to our visit. If you want to view a larger map, click here.

We have crazy weather coming. Tonight it is supposed to be in the 40's. Tomorrow, we will be lucky if the high hits 60. By the end of the week, we are back to mild spring weather.

Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Was Carol a professional groomer in another life? She does a great job - on the dogs and on you!!

  2. Donna K, yes Mom groomed & showed during most of my childhood. When I was tall enough to reach the sink, I bathed & dreiser while she groomed. When I had my own Poodle, she passed her knowledge to me.

    Daddy, you know that you have a personal tax reviewer in the family if you choose to take advantage of it. I am pretty sure he won't mind. :D I love reading your updates. If only ai was as diligent with our blog.
