This photo was taken at 1:25PM. Yep that is right, this baby is three hours old.
Carol and I had finished our abbreviated morning chores about 9:30AM. We were sitting under our awning enjoying the morning view when she noticed Dee acting a little strange. Dee was at the bottom of the basement pasture. Carol decided it would be a good idea to lure her back up hill to the basement porch next to our trailer. That would make it easier for us (her) to proceed should today be the day for the birthing. She coaxed Dee in and closed the gate. Carol chose to remain on the porch where she could keep an eye on Dee.
About 10:15, she called out to me asking me to bring the camera. By the time I got it together, this is what I found.
This was at 10:34. About a minute later, Carol was holding a brand new baby llama in her arms. She took baby to barn 1, I followed with Dee. Within 30 minutes the baby was up on her feet and with in the first hour, she was walking around checking out stuff.
By 6:30PM, she had learned how to get up, lay down, follow momma, nurse, pee and poop. That is pretty amazing for an animal that spent the last year growing in her momma. Gestation period for llamas is over 300 days.
The more I thought about that the more I felt a deep sense of God's presence on the farm today. Sometime in the last 24 hours, this baby positioned herself in her moma's womb so she could make an appearance today. As she was making her appearance at 10:34 she began breathing on her own. When she was completely out of the womb, the birth sack was already broken loose around her head so her mouth and nose could breath. And the umbilical cord was already severed. Babies are born every day. People babies and animal babies. Seeing this baby llama today affirmed once again something I already knew. God is the giver of life.
I do not know what you believe about God. All I can say is I would have trouble believing that a big bang put in order all the rules of life that brought this new born llama into the world today.
The joy of a day like today makes all the other hard work easy. Life is good.
Thanks for stopping by.
I agree with you 100% -- no other way to explain new life but God! AWESOME!