
Monday, May 21, 2012


Versatileblogger113Thank you Betty Barnes (Phoenix Once Again) for mentioning me in your recent blog post on this subject. By the fact you mentioned our blog, I accept the Versatile Blogger Award.

The origin of the award is somewhat vague. Googling Versatile Blogger Award results in almost 5,000,000 hits dating back to 2010. Carley Eason Evans started Versatile Blogger Award to blog roll award recipients. This task soon became overwhelming so Carley stopped adding recipients.

So what is it?  The award appears to be a method for bloggers to recognize their peers in blog land. Doing a little research on the origin, I discovered some feel like this is something like chain mail while others feel it is a way to recognize bloggers they enjoy. I prefer to see this as a means of recognizing bloggers who have impacted the life of the award giver.

If you have been awarded the Versatile Blogger award, you should:
  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  • Include a link to their blog on your blog. That’s also common courtesy,
  • Select 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can simply notify them via email or other media.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
I've decided to select 15 blogs/bloggers that have had some impact on my life. I chose this criteria because as we go through life, we impact people. Sometimes we receive a "Thank You" or some other form of acknowledgment. Many times we have no clue that we have impacted others at all. So the next several blogs will contain the names of the 15 blogs/bloggers I select for the Versatile Blogger Award and how hey impacted me. For this blog, here are 7 facts about me:
  1. I am a Christian by choice - meaning I choose to maintain a personal relationship with Jesus by praying, attending worship and studying the Bible regularly.
  2. I was born in Rosee, Belgium, and am a naturalized US citizen.
  3. I remember the name of my first grade teacher, Mrs. Pearl Allen.
  4. I am working on my fourth vocation. I spent 10 years in the US Army, 18 years in technology/engineering, 15 years in corporate education, now I am a full time RVer.
  5. I have been married 44 years - to the same woman.
  6. I wear two hearing aids. Without them, I would not be able to hear sufficiently to communicate effectively.
  7. I am skilled in technology (computers, networking, programming), general carpentry, plumbing, electrical, mechanics and now in llama ranching.
I look forward to writing about the 15 blogs. And, once again, thank you Betty Barnes, my friend and  fellow Houstonian.

Thanks for stopping by.

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